
new lace shirt

a bargain: 14$

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shirt: Mango
heels: Blanco

you can take a peek at it in lookbook
click here

photos taken with my new lens
will be out for this week, having a mini-vacation!
enjoy and thank u for being so wonderful with me


Gloria Callealta Photoshoot

A few days ago I was invited to shoot for the wonderful headpieces designer Gloria Callealta. Everything happened in the Fitting Room in Madrid. The model was Krimly which you should already know because of her blog My Cherry Gum. We ended up really tired (believe, shooting with high heels can be killer...) but we both were really happy with the results. She's a wonderful model and we had such fun within the shooting (specially with strangers staring at us. xD) The pieces she modeled are so delicate and beautiful that if someday you need a headpiece you should contact Gloria.

We were also featured in her blog about the fitting room: click here to see it (there's a shot of me hihi)

Enjoy the photos.

Gloria Callealta Photoshoot

Gloria Callealta Photoshoot

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tocado azul_2

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Photography and Postprocessing: Ligeia
Model: Krimly
Headpieces: Gloria Callealta


Telephone (+new book)

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Don't worry! I wont bore with another post of Lady gaga's video xD Just wanted to show you my fave necklace ever. My old telephone ^.^ This "outfit" was such a comfortable one of two weeks ago when the cold was still here. We went to visit our house in Segovia and then we took a walk into the city.


I've entered into a project called "The Divine Diptych Project" where 37 self portrait artists from the whole world share their pictures and colaborate with each other in different themes. GO check it out :)

Apart from that, I've published another book featuring my photography. This one is called She's a Rainbow and you can see a preview in blurb (click on the photo to see it)

She's a Rainbow

Y ahora para los hispano hablantes :) En la uni nos han mandado un hacer un blog (otro...) y seria de gran ayuda que votarais en las dos encuestas que tenemos ahi, son sólo unos segunditos y nos haríais un enoooorme favor. Muchas Gracias!!!

And now the shots :)
Enjoy them
Thank u for all your lovely comments :*


meme + bla bla bla

La blogger de los chicles (:D) Lorena me ha nominado a este meme. Si no la conoceis aun, pinchad en su nombre YA! Si pudiera me llevaría su armario entero porque menudas monerías lleva siempre. Gracias preciosa!!!

- un maquillaje: Liquid Foundation de Mac
-una crema: soy fan de las de Nivea :D
- un perfume: Pure Poison de Christian Dior, debo tener doce frascos vacíos ^-^
-una prenda de vestir: pitillos
-un grupo de música: HIM
-una marca nacional: Mango
- una marca internacional: Kiss Me Deadly
- un diseñador: Galianoooooooor! (si no veis Muchachada Nui pensareis que estoy fatal...)
- un lugar de veraneo: Asturias
-un famoso: Ben Barnes
-una comida: cous-cous
- una bebida: té
- un hobbie: fotografía y música
- una peli: Nosferatu de Murnau
- una serie: Criminal Minds y Lost
- una inspiración o personalidad a copiar: Asia Argento

Nomino a:

Laura de Unspeakable Toughts Unspoken
Krimly de MyCherryGum
Iris de Kirei Girl Da Madrid


Y hasta que edite tooooodas las fotos que tengo que editar os dejo con esta fotito de una de mis camisetas favoritas de Mango

Buen finde precios@s

96/365 Missing Butterflies

Shirt: Mango
Cardigan: Zara
Ballerinas: Zara
Jeans: Sfera


ANAIRI ♥ Photocall

El pasado sábado (con una interesante resaca) fui al Fitting Room que se celebró en Madrid. Fui con Krimly de My Cherry Gum. Hicimos una sesion fotográfica con una diseñadora (os contaré un poquito más adelante sobre ello) y despues cotilleamos las distintas habitaciones y sus diseñadores Y nos encontramos con esto:

Anairi Joyería

Tenían un photocall de lo más chulo montado, con una cámara que me dio envidia no, lo siguiente :D. Por supuesto nos hicimos una foto sin dudarlo. Echadle un ojo a sus diseños, son impresionantes. teneís el catalogo en la web.


Last saturday (with an interesting hangover) I went to the Madrid's Fitting Room. I went there with Krimly form My Cherry Gum. We made a photosession with a designer (will tell you more about it soon) and after that we take a look through the designer's rooms. And we found this:

Anairi Jewerly

They had a fantastic photocall in the room and we made a photo with ém without doubts :)
You should take a look to their designs. They are absolutely wonderful (you have their whole catalogue in the web)

Algunos de mis favoritos // Some of my faves

Para ver todas las fotos // To see the whole shoot
Anairi Facebook

#Todas las fotos // All Photos ©Anairi Fashion Jewerly

me han aceptado para el erasmus!!!!!

he pasado las pruebas!

a ver que destino me dan



Vivan los post chorras :D


Chic Handbag Award

Ages without uploading :)

Well, I have loads of things to tell you but I'll go post by post

A week ago (or even more) the lovely Laura from Unspeakable Thoughts Unspoken gave me an award: The CHIC HANDBAG AWARD

Im so excited because I have to show what I "hide" in my bag :D
Moreover, you really have to check out her blog. She was one of the first bloggers I came across when I started in this world and you won't be dissapointed. Specially when it comes to shoes...If I lived closer to her I would steal her whole wardrove :DD
So thanks so much dearie, its such an honour to receive it from you :**

Everyday I change my bag, so today Im showing this one



Bag: pull & Bear
this bag is quite small so I only have inside the "must": my wayfarers, tobacco (yes, im bad and I smoke, iPod Nano with my fave music, my wallet, a pen-drive (just in case), keys and my mobile phone (well, not mine, because it broke a few days ago and I have to buy a new one...)

the rules:
You have to say thanks to the person that gave you the award, say something about her/him, pass the award on to 3 blogs and the fun stuff: show what's inside your handbag!

so Im giving the award to:

Treacle from thelingerieaddict
Krimly from mycherrygum
Lorena from losoufitsdelorena
