After my last post, I've decided to write about one of my all-time favourite musicians: Shirley Manson. For the profanes, she's the singer of the fantastic band Garbage. I discover them with their second album Version 2.0 and since that moment they've turned in one of my fave bands: adictive melodies, rock rithms and a powerful voice who could ever seduce even the Pope. But when I opened the booklet (yes, I buy original cds, and you should too lol) I saw her, Shirley in her orange structured coat with her mouth wide open. This image stayed in the back of my head forever. Later, I saw their videos, disturbing as Push it or Queer, colourful as Im only happy when it rains, powerful as I think I'm paranoid...
But let's talk about her. She was born in Scotland and she was involved into music even before Wikipedia says :) She was in bands like Goodbye Mr.Mackenzie and Angelfish but was Garbage the one who gave her worldwide fame and recognition. She is not just the pretty face in front of 3 masters of music as Butch Vig. She composes, she writes the lyrics and she also plays guitar.
With Garbage, she released 5 albums: Garbage, Version 2.0, Beautifulgarbage, Bleed Like Me and Greatest Hits. It seems to be so few for a band who is 16 years old but their cds are like little gems who are supposed to be enjoyed forever. If you're not into them I highly recommend you to start with the Version 2.0 and then go for the first one (in my opinion the best one).

She's been also involved in different campaigns such as PETA and MAC against AIDS.
If you liked fashion for many ages, maybe you remember her for the campaign she did for Calvin Klein's bags and shoes.
About her image, she's been redhead forever except a phase in "beautifulgarbage" era when she cut her hair quite boy-ish and dyed it in platinum blonde. When it comes to fashion, short dresses have always been there. Huge smokey eyes and red lips has always been her allies. And black, a lot of black.

Time passes by, for everyone :)
Hope you liked this post and enjoyed Shirley :)
images from: shirley-manson.org // carnivorous-carnival.com
tu post me ha llegado...y lo sabes!!!!!!!!!!!
Es que me gusta tanto shirley y su banda! Yo tambien los decubri con versión 2.0´, fue el primer CD que compré con 3.000 pesetas que gané en un vale para el corteingles...me trae muchos recurdos, es un grupo y en especial una cantante que me ha influenciado muchisimo. Tuve la suerte de verlos cuando promocionaban beautifulgarbage que ella iba de rubia y tiempo despues bleed like me, ambos en la sala razz, donde lleva el vetsido blanco y negro con el que posteas...
y paro ya porque no terminaria! jajaja
un besote
Nunca me paré a pensar-observar detenidamente a esta chica y es muy interesante!!!
mejor de no-rubia!
me suuuuuper encanta como viste! jajaja. de hecho, dios, suelo ir asi de normallll XDDDD que genial que genial, nunca me habia fijado en ella! uuuuuuh en cuanto termine examenes, voy a ver que mas encuentro sobre ella, muy interesante, si señor! :DDD
HA - I was just about to say check out her editorial pictorials for Oliver Peoples and I just spotted it below! Well - Great minds Think alike!
Im about to get some new spectacles from Oliver Peoples this weekend! Sorry... Small things amuse small minds!
Love the blog
Yours Truly
I love the first photo!!
Esp I adore her red lip and belt.
Great inspiration!
como concidimos en los gustos, estimada!
como si leyeras mis fetiches. soy un admirador de shirley manson desde sus inicios. que puedo decir, brutales las fotos. incluso en mi tumblr tengo algunas que estan aca xD
cada dia que paso por estos pagos, me sorprendo.
saludos (ya soy casi un fan)
Me encanta... I think I'm paranoid!!! Ooohhhhh yeah!!!
shirley manson is stunning!
Tiene una belleza especial.
En Blanco Accesorios miré, pero como en teoría sólo se vende con la falda, pues no lo tenían.
Es súper guapa!
Y pelirroja como yo! jaja
Un besoo
Me encantan las fotos :D
me encanta su pelo =)
1 besazo enorme cielo ^^
genial post.
si es que de escocia sale muy buena música...jajajaja
y me encanta el tono de pelo que tiene en la foto del abrigo de leopardo...lo quierooooo
que mujer!! eso es una mirada y lo semas son tonterias!
wow me encantan las fotos, estoy pensando en ponerme pelirroja.. ummm jajj un besazo!! pasate cuando puedas;)
I think you would love to rummage through my collection of vintage leotards:
muchas gracias por comentar!!
me han encantado las fotos de esta chica, es muy original!
un besin
OMG, me encanta esta chica! La foto del sofa es increible!!
xxx guapa
Aaaaah para mi proximísima visita a la capital no me lo pierdo! Por dónde está?
Un besoteeeeee!
when I grow up es para escucharlo a volumen alto :)
muy impresionante la publicidad de peta. yo tampoco apoyo el uso de pieles, es bueno y necesario que artistas apoyen estás causas.
un saludo
Awesome collection of pictures, from a massive Garbage fan since the beginning <3
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